Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving is Over!

Well, for those of us on the way to geriatrics, Thanksgiving gets more daunting every year! Now, I am the first one to say that I might get a little more involved with the food process than the average bear, but darn it, they put all those Thanksgiving shows on the food network and it takes a lot of planning to implement all that invalueable knowledge into one meal! It turned out great anyway! We had the granddaughter for the first time and 3 of the 4 boys, and all was well.

So, Nagy and I had this big decision about what to buy early on Black Friday, and at 2am he woke me up and told me we should go. I told him to stick his foot outside of our nice warm covers and if he still wanted to go to let me know. The next thing I knew, it was 9 am and much warmer. I missed getting my hand sliced open like I did in Target last year when that evil person pulled the box out of my hand, but that is for the best. We later tried to go to Target. They were out of what we wanted, but I got some popcorn and soda, and how can that be bad?

When I came home, we got the decorations out of storage. When did I get 11 tubs of Christmas stuff? Of course I will use all of it in my house. Christmas is when God gives we Puerto Ricans permission to be tacky and everyone thinks it's beautiful1! I can't wait! LED lights have given me a new lease on life! Also those three giant snowmen in front of my fireplace! Let it Snow

So now it is time to start planning the annual Christmas Party and debacle. We didn't have it last year because I was pissed off, but I have now bounced back and am perusing caterers!

More blog as the horror that is Christmas continues!