Wednesday, December 8, 2010

OMG How did I get in the Middle of this Christmas Hurricane!

Hey guys! I have spent the last 3 days making the pieces for my Christmas gifts to be mostly given out at the annual Martinez-Girgis Christmas debacle, to be held on Saturday! I am actually looking forward to it this year! Since the mini stroke, I have figured out that all food does not have to be personally created by me, and my friends will not hate me for buying chicken made by another. One of the best revelations of my golden years so far!

The granddaughter will be here and that makes it special. She is a well-behaved child, which is all I ask for, and I got it, so the blessings are countd.

Now, I know that while my friends are wildly appreciative of my hand made gifts, the same cannot be said of my children. So I guess that means I will be going shopping next week. Secretly, I have been wanting to go, but just haven't gotten there. I pledge to accomplish this next week!

We are going to lots of good places and parties this year, and they all involve various kinds of food, so life is worth living.

If I don't get back to my masterful writing before Christmas, I hope you have the best one ever and that something special and wonderful happens to all of you during this hopeful holiday season!

Love to all of you!

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