Monday, August 12, 2013

Is there hope for the world?

Well, there have been some really difficult things that I have had to learn lately. The first is that time is flying and I have lived longer than I will be living. One of the things that makes things easier when you realize this is that you have a tolerance for time. By the time you are my age, you will probably have done a lot. It makes it a little less scary to know that you have garnered some wisdom. I feel like I am settling in for the duration, whatever that may be, and I am okay with that. Another is that everyone wasn't raised to have integrity and loyalty. I have recently learned that there is a serious loss of core values. It seems that there is no right or wrong. Anything can be excused, if there is an incentive that is attractive enough. It scares me to death. Respect seems incidental and children aren't even aware of it. There are some people who still think core values are important. What is truly scary is that they are teaching this to their children, which is how it should be. But later on they are going to face the fact that they have become a minority. So much disillusionment for the future. My goodness. In spite of all this, in the last few months I have made some new friends who seem to be able to draw a line and have some self-respect. I am adding these to the decreased amount of friends I had left after some house cleaning, and I think I now have been able to surround myself with people who have a true sense of what really matters in the world. It gives me hope that my grandchildren will be able to do this. They are just going to have to look a little harder.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it's important to think carefully about what the underlying reason is for a website, the dogs example fits the bill perfectly :)
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